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HD Hunter X Hunter Dub Voice Actors Ideas

In the wonderful world of anime, one series that has garnered a massive following is "Hunter X Hunter." This captivating show has captivated audiences with its thrilling plot and fantastic characters. One aspect that fans often discuss and compare is the English voice dubbing of the series. In this article, we will delve into the differences between the "Hunter X Hunter" voice dubs from 1999 and 2011.

English Voice Dub Comparisons - "Hunter X Hunter" (1999 & 2011) (Part 1)

The year 1999 marked the debut of the "Hunter X Hunter" anime adaptation, and with it came an English voice dub. Fans who watched this version were introduced to a whole new level of excitement as they listened to the voices of their favorite characters. The voice actors behind this dub truly brought the characters to life, adding depth and personality to each one. The dub was well-received by fans and helped immerse them further into the world of "Hunter X Hunter."

Fast forward to 2011, and a new adaptation of "Hunter X Hunter" was created. With this new version came a fresh set of voices for the characters. Some fans of the original 1999 dub were skeptical at first, as they were used to the voices they had grown to love. However, they soon discovered that the new voice actors were equally talented and brought a unique flair to their roles. Each character was portrayed with a distinct voice that matched their personality perfectly.

Hisoka Hunter X Hunter Voice Actor - VOICESWQ

One character in "Hunter X Hunter" that stands out for his eccentricity and unpredictability is Hisoka. His voice actor is known as VOICESWQ, and fans of the series cannot help but marvel at his incredible performance. VOICESWQ has captured the essence of Hisoka's character flawlessly, making every line sound both chilling and enticing. Hisoka's voice is deeply memorable and adds an extra layer of intrigue to the character's already mystifying nature.

Experience the Best of Both Worlds

With two different voice dubs available for "Hunter X Hunter," fans have the opportunity to enjoy the series in multiple ways. Whether you prefer the original English voice dub from 1999 or the newer rendition from 2011, both versions offer their own unique charms. Each dub brings its own interpretation of the characters, allowing viewers to experience their journey through different auditory lenses.

In conclusion, the English voice dub comparisons between the 1999 and 2011 versions of "Hunter X Hunter" have sparked interesting debates among fans. Both dubs have their merits and offer fans the chance to immerse themselves in the captivating world created by the series. Whether you prefer the original dub or the newer one, one thing is certain – the talented voice actors have breathed life into these beloved characters, making the anime even more memorable for fans worldwide.

English Voice Dub Comparisons - "Hunter X Hunter" (1999 & 2011) (Part 1 source:

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Hisoka Hunter X Hunter Voice Actor - VOICESWQ source:

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English Voice Dub Comparisons - "Hunter X Hunter" (1999 & 2011) (Part 2 source:

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